Howard Hendrix Hamilton and Bernice Garrett Hamilton

Howard Hamilton (1885 – 1963) was the son of William B. Hamilton and Josephine Missouri Melton Hamilton. He was born in Paint Rock, Concho County, Texas on May 22, 1885. Berenice (or Bernice) Garrett (1891 – 1988) was also born in Texas. She was the daughter of John Thomas Garrett (1868 – 1928) and Carrie Ella McMillan Garrett (1873 – 1916).

Mrs. Garrett was interviewed by the Hobbs Flare in 1979. She recalled moving to Lea County in 1902 with her family when she was twenty-one years old. They lived in a dugout until they could build a house. She and Howard were married in 1925.

Howard was interviewed by the Hobbs Flare in 1959 as he recalled the first drift fence built in the area. A drift fence is usually thought of today as any long continuous fence designed to keep cattle or horses from straying. In Lea County, the drift fences were the first type of fencing used to confine cattle to a certain area, to keep them from drifting away. Prior to the use of drift fences, the area was what was called open range. Mr. Hendrix referred to the fence as being the first drift fence between Amarillo, Texas and Carlsbad.

Mr. Hamilton passed away in 1963 and Mrs. Hamilton survived him until 1988. Both are buried in the Lovington Cemetery.

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